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Easy to please, in a way....

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Easy to please, in a way.... Empty Easy to please, in a way....

Post by cohan Tue Oct 14, 2008 6:47 am

I am looking for almost any semps with location information; right now I have 0, so no danger of repeats Wink
although i may buy hybrids or cultivars etc locally when I see them, if I am going to arrange to buy or trade long distance, I want to stick to natural forms; of course I do have some preferences for types, but if you have some extras to sell, please let me know.. they don't have to be big, or many..
I am also very interested in seeds from habitat, or from controlled pollination (no open garden pollination)

I have no semps to trade yet, but if you might have some interest in native plants from this area, let me know, we can talk about that.

Probably we will be talking about next year, as the season is very late here...

Golden Rosette
Golden Rosette

Posts : 129
Join date : 2008-10-12
Location : west central alberta, canada, zone 2-3

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Easy to please, in a way.... Empty Re: Easy to please, in a way....

Post by Marko.D Sun Apr 18, 2010 5:16 pm

Hi cohan!

I've got few Semps with locality data but unfortunately they don't have any offsets yet. I will contact you in the future when plants produce more rossetes if you want.
Golden Rosette
Golden Rosette

Number of plants : 200 Posts : 354
Join date : 2008-10-05
Location : Jaksic, Croatia

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